Book 2: Starting Over; Chapter 11: The Romanized Ounkis

Yugi and Darla Ounki gained a roof over their heads thanks to the spirit of comradery that apparently had not completely vanished amongst the Sims in the transition from the egalitarian Neanderthal Age to the hierarchical Roman Era.

Yugi and his oldest two sons sickened with the flu right before the volcano erupted, and they barely managed to run to safety. Darla caught the flu soon after they arrived in their new homeland. The baby twins, fortunately, did not get sick.

Then Darla had another baby and instantly got pregnant again, not helping her health. Yugi and his two older boys tried to get some crops growing so that if they ever recovered from the flu, they wouldn’t die from starvation.

Eventually, the family did tackle the flu. And then they looked around well enough to realize what their lot had become.

“We’re Slaves, apparently, Darla,” Yugi said, partly wondering if he just had yet to wake from a bad dream.

“I don’t mind, as long as I’m with you,” Darla said, taking her husband’s hand. Somehow, despite the hardships, she was deliriously happy. Her mood never dropped anymore; she always had a smile on her face.

Her husband had forgiven her for her mistake, and she would never, ever leave him again.

Yugi intertwined their fingers and smiled sadly. “I hope we’ll have an entire lifetime together, sweetheart.”

“I love you, Yugi.”

“I love you, too, Darla.”

Book 1: The Neanderthal Era; Chapter 9: The Ounkis’ Founding

Yugi Unki, brother to Yinna Unki, met Darla Allah, sister to Danny Allah, sometime after he started his own household as Yugi Ounki, and it was love at first sight. They had some serious chemistry, and they married as soon as they could.

Darla was absolutely delighted with her husband, and she grew even more ecstatic when her first two children came out to be boys. What more could she ask for?

Unfortunately, someone decided to ask something of her. She made friends with the teenager Dex Udki, unaware that he was falling in love with her. On the day he was officially recognized as an adult, he invited Darla over to help celebrate.

“Sure, I’ll be there. Should I bring some food for everyone else?” Darla asked. She was between pregnancies at the moment, so she had some energy to spare.

“If you’ll only bring yourself, you’ll make my birthday the best I’ve ever had,” Dex promised.

“Aww, you’re so cute!” Darla said, seeing Dex as too young to be seriously flirting with her. Besides, she was blissfully married and had no intention of cheating on her husband.

Darla went to Dex’s house on his birthday. She was surprised to find that she was the only one there to help celebrate his entrance into manhood, but she shrugged it off.

“Congratulations, Dex! You’re a man now!” she said.

“Yes. I am. Darla, will you dance with me?”

Darla laughed to cover her discomfort. “Oh, Dex, you know I think you’re adorable, but I’m married!”

“Just one dance,” Dex promised. “To celebrate my birthday.”

Although still reluctant, Darla agreed. She couldn’t deny that she found Dex attractive, now that he was a man, but she still loved her husband way more than she could ever love Dex.

For all that she loved her husband, however, the moment her hand connected with Dex’s, sparks flew. Before she knew it, Darla found herself head over heels in love.

Dex really poured on the charm that day. He made Darla like him more and more.

At the end of the day, though, she was ready to leave while she still had some dignity left. She couldn’t forget her husband, and she swore to herself never to be caught alone with Dex again.

However, Dex wasn’t ready to let her leave. His charm wasn’t enough, so he poured out a sob story, too.

“Darla, I’m sorry,” Dex said.

“It’s okay, Dex. But I really need to leave now.”

“I know. I know… It’s just…” Dex let a big fat tear roll down his cheek.

Darla looked away, but not quickly enough. Her heart thumped painfully.

“Darla, you know I can’t get a wife. Everyone from our generation has already married. Dori was my last chance, but she never liked me, and she chose Olaf instead. I’m going to die alone.”

“Oh, Dex, don’t say that. People love you; it doesn’t matter if you never marry. Besides, if you’re that desperate for a wife, why not go to our parents’ homeland and—“

“I did,” Dex said harshly. Then he softened his tone. “I did. Darla, they’re all gone. I went there, and I found dead bodies at every turn. There’s not a single living Sim left there.”

“Oh, Dex,” Darla said again, close to tears. “I can’t leave my husband.”

Silence hung heavy in the air for several minutes.

Then, Dex whispered, “Just one night. Just one. No one will ever know. Tomorrow, you can tell Yugi you were with Danny and his family.”

Darla broke.

The next day, she delivered her lines to her husband, feeling like a traitor. Yugi saw right through her and demanded to know the truth.

Darla burst into tears and confessed. Yugi was so upset that he didn’t say a word to her. There was field work to be done, anyways.

Sometime later, Darla discovered that she was pregnant. Yugi hadn’t touched her since before she had last given birth, so there was no question who the father was.

She never spoke a word about it to Yugi, but he obviously noticed. Things were extremely tense between them until one day, he finally spoke to her.

“Darla, you know I love you,” he started.

Darla wanted so desperately to convince him of her returned love, but now didn’t seem like the time. He was still speaking.

“You’ve really hurt me, though. Do you love Dex? Do you want to go live with him?”

Terrified that Yugi would kick her out no matter her answer, Darla nonetheless shook her head vehemently.

Yugi slowly released the breath he had unconsciously been holding, relieved beyond words that his wife wanted to stay with him.

“How about we work something out, then,” Yugi proposed. “No one knows right now that you’re pregnant. We should be able to keep them from finding out. When Dex’s child is born, send it to him. Remember bedtime stories our parents used to tell us about an ogre who collects babies? I’ll do some experimenting to see if the legends are true. If so, you can send the child through the ogre. I don’t want you to see Dex ever again, especially not alone,” Yugi finished. “Deal?”

In a small community, keeping something like a pregnancy was easier said than done. However, wives socialized less than other Sims because they were constantly caring for themselves and their unborn babies. Yugi hoped that Darla’s absence from social circles would be interpreted, for a while, as her recovering from her last pregnancy.

There was no way Yugi could bring himself to raise his niece or nephew, even if the child was his beloved wife’s baby.

Darla nodded, tears streaming. She jumped forward and hugged her husband tightly. “I love you. I’m so, so sorry. This will never, ever happen again. I don’t love him at all.”

The lie was very close to the truth. While a small part of Darla did in fact love Dex, she was so much more in love with Yugi that the thought of leaving him made her think she would rather die.

A few months later, Darla gave birth to a healthy baby boy who looked exactly like his father. Darla was extremely grateful for this.

As Yugi had promised, the couple figured out how to successfully call the baby-caring ogre. The smelly, ugly creature showed up in front of their caves, accepted the baby and instructions they handed him, and left.

At first, Darla worried that she had sent her son to his death. Later, however, she caught wind of the rumors flying of Dex’s scandalous new baby. Where had the child come from? Who was the mother? Dex was clearly the father!

Darla kept her head down and didn’t contribute to the rumors. Yugi also kept his mouth shut. The couple raised their own kids and Darla’s new unborn baby, ignoring the world around them as best they could without raising suspicions.

Fortunately, they had a ready-made, though accidental and highly unfortunate excuse. Roaches infested the home, keeping parents and children alike busy stomping them into extinction.

Unfortuately, the roaches were the final straw for Yugi. He was able to hold himself together for months while Darla was pregnant, and he even managed not to lose his head when Dex dared to come for a visit asking for Darla. However, at the sight of the roaches invading his home, Yugi plunged into despair and hallucinated about a Sim in strange clothing that helped him get back on his feet.

Then he got sick.

And then his sons Yen and Varo got sick.

Things weren’t even nearly back to normal yet, but Darla desperately hoped that the “time heals all wounds” maxim would ring true for her and her family.